Sunday, January 12, 2025

January updates

Happy new year! Take the bus!

Here are a few things coming up that may interest you.

First, we are planning for Transit Equity Days in La Crosse, starting February 2, which will include a couple of opportunities for transit advocates to make a difference! 


On Monday, February 3, we will host a guided ride on the Circulator (C2) from the Transit Center past the La Crosse Public Library and back to the Transit Center. We are going the long way around to have time to talk about riding the bus and LATA's Ride with a Guide program. Those who are interested may get off at the library at about 5 p.m. and attend a free screening of the film The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. There is no sign up for this ride – just show up!

On Tuesday, February 4, we will have a morning press event at the Grand River Station Transit Center then offer three opportunities for City Council and Mayoral candidates to ride the bus with transit advocates. If you are available to ride along and talk about transit with candidates, please attend. All rides on the MTU will be FREE on Tuesday, February 4. All candidate rides leave from the Transit Center.

  • Depart at 10:42 a.m. on the Route 1-2 for a one hour ride

  • Depart at 12:30 p.m. on the Circulator for a one-half hour ride

  • Depart at 3:30 p.m. on the Route 1-2 for a one hour ride

Read more about Transit Equity Day events at  We are accepting co-sponsors until January 15. If your group, office, or organization would like to help support this event, please sign up here:

The MTU's ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 14 in person in the Grand Conference Room at City Hall and online from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please contact us for login information. The MTU will soon have large print and Braille materials available!

The MTU's Double Map app is officially dead and that means we are back to having to guess when our bus will come. You may call the office, 608-789-7350, to get information but only during office hours. The new system is expected to come online in March. One consequence of this system break is that the tablets that provided audible signals on buses for important stops is no longer working. But the ADA requires audible signals, mechanical or human voice, at transfer points, other major intersections and destinations, and points along the route to allow someone with a visual impairment or other disability to be oriented to their location. If you are riding the bus and the driver is not calling out these stops, please use the MTU feedback form to report this or call the office. Audible stops are not optional

Other issues some have experienced are early buses and buses that blow past waiting passengers. The MTU has the ability to tell if a bus leaves an official time point early, but some drivers seem to be hurrying between time points so they may pass intermediate stops earlier than normal to get to and wait at the time point. If you note that a bus is early and/or if you have been bypassed by a bus, please use the feedback form to report.

LATA will invite candidates for mayor and city council to complete a transit-related survey so we can post results at our web page. If you have suggestions, please email them right away. We hope to finalize the questionnaire this coming week.

The SMRT bus fare has gone up again. A one-way ride now costs $5. Discounts for frequent riders are available. Learn more at

Amtrak is still having a group sale and the Amtrak USA Rail Pass Sale (sale price $299, regularly $499)

The Rail Passengers Association is hosting training and lobbying opportunities in DC this spring. Midwest rail advocates may attend from March 31 to April 1. Get more details here:

Our next LATA leaders meeting will be on Wednesday, February 12 at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom. Please email for access information.

Friday, December 13, 2024

LATA meeting notes

LATA Leaders met on Dec  11. Here are highlights of upcoming events and actions. If you can help, please email or call 608-315-2693. Our next meeting is on January 8 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom (online or dial-in). Contact us for access info.

We plan to revise our 2021 mayoral candidate survey and ask 2025 candidates to respond before the Feb. 18 primary and we will post their responses. You can read the 2021 questions and responses here: If you have question or edit suggestions, please email them by January 7.

Transit Equity Day is February 4. This is a national initiative to highlight the importance of good public transit for equity, good jobs, and the environment. We are hoping to host some group bus rides with candidates for mayor and city council, a library display, a film screening, and, possibly, another event or two. If you'd like to get involved in planning and organizing please contact us. We have some specific tasks for those with limited time!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

12/12 Citizens with Disabilities meeting

MTU Director Adam Lorentz will speak and answer questions at at Thursday's monthly Citizens with Disabilities meeting. This advisory committee of the La Crosse City council meets at 9 a.m. every second Thursday in person and online. The meeting is open to the public and committed chair, Council Member Larry Sleznikow often makes space for non-committal members to ask questions.

Here is the agenda with access information:

City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Committee for Citizens with Disabilities

Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM Hedgehog Room - Council Chambers

Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 828 9027 3414 
Passcode: 236310 
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

Find your local number:


  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Agenda Items:
    1. La Cosse Municipal Transit (MTU) updates and MTU accessibility Q&A (Adam Lorentz, Director of Transit)
    2. Current disability-related communication needs
    3. Updates from committee members
    4. Future agenda items
  • Adjournment

Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have decision-making responsibility.


Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

December updates

Congratulations to Alysa, Sue, Liz, Toni, and Lillian for winning Week Without Driving prizes. Lillian won the grand prize - a semester pass! America Walks hosted its WWD wrap up call on Wednesday. This event has really grown in just a few short years. This year, almost 3,500 individuals and organizations across the country signed up as participants. There are already plans for next year's WWD, September 29 through October 5. LATA will start planning in early 2025. If you have ideas or are interested in helping with this event that highlights the importance of prioritizing non-car options for every day transportation, please contact us at or 608-315-2693. Again, thanks to all those who participated in the La Crosse area whether you officially signed up or not!

The MTU Board will meet on Tuesday, December 10 at 4 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. See the agenda here:|&Search= To attend via Zoom: Meeting ID: 814 2412 8085 Passcode: 147918

LATA Leaders will meet on Zoom for one hour at 5:30 on Wednesday, December 11. We will talk about Feb. 4 Transit Equity Day programming, how to engage candidates for mayor and city council about transit, Ride with a Guide, accessibility, and plans for the new year. Please email or call us for access information if you would like to participate or if you have suggestions.

At the November meeting of Citizens with Disabilities, snow shoveling was discussed, including who is responsible for what. In La Crosse, the Park Department clears roads and sidewalks in city parks, the city plows city streets, and MTU is responsible for clearing bus stops and shelters, even if they get plowed back in by the city. As this Streetsblog article notes, “More Cities are Taking Responsibility for Clearing Sidewalks of Snow.” In La Crosse, where up to 40% of adults are non-drivers, shoveling off responsibility for sidewalks and bus stops to other entities may not be a fair use of public resources.

The MTU's new AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) app will not be available at the beginning of January as hoped. They are working to get it online as quickly as possible. The new system will have more features and options, combining bus location with fare purchases, and trip planning.

The La Crosse Area Planning Committee is still accepting public input about its Metropolitan Transportation Plan update. Find the link to the survey and more information at

Governor Evers' Budget Listening Tour was in La Crosse on Wednesday and they will host an online session on Monday, December 16 at 4 p.m. Transit advocates are encouraged to attend and speak up for 

Register here: and if you can't attend, you may submit written comments and budget suggestions at the governor's comment page here:


Amtrak's Borealis (second daily train from St. Paul to Chicago) continues to outperform expectations with more than 21,000 riders reported in October. Amtrak is having a “share fare” holiday sale for groups, from 15 to 60 percent off.

Alas, Transportation for America will not host its Transportation Camp in 2025 due to scheduling, logistics, and costs. 

If you want to get involved in sharing ideas with others, pushing for better transit, and envisioning a transit-friendly future, please join La Crosse Area Transit Advocates! In addition, the Wisconsin Sierra Club has a statewide transportation access and equity team. And the Wisconsin Association of Rail Passengers works on improving and expanding rail access in our state and regions. There may be more options to engage, education, and advocate coming in 2025. Stay tuned!

Please share this information with others. And Take the Bus!

Some food for thought: