Friday, December 13, 2024

LATA meeting notes

LATA Leaders met on Dec  11. Here are highlights of upcoming events and actions. If you can help, please email or call 608-315-2693. Our next meeting is on January 8 at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom (online or dial-in). Contact us for access info.

We plan to revise our 2021 mayoral candidate survey and ask 2025 candidates to respond before the Feb. 18 primary and we will post their responses. You can read the 2021 questions and responses here: If you have question or edit suggestions, please email them by January 7.

Transit Equity Day is February 4. This is a national initiative to highlight the importance of good public transit for equity, good jobs, and the environment. We are hoping to host some group bus rides with candidates for mayor and city council, a library display, a film screening, and, possibly, another event or two. If you'd like to get involved in planning and organizing please contact us. We have some specific tasks for those with limited time!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

12/12 Citizens with Disabilities meeting

MTU Director Adam Lorentz will speak and answer questions at at Thursday's monthly Citizens with Disabilities meeting. This advisory committee of the La Crosse City council meets at 9 a.m. every second Thursday in person and online. The meeting is open to the public and committed chair, Council Member Larry Sleznikow often makes space for non-committal members to ask questions.

Here is the agenda with access information:

City of La Crosse, Wisconsin
Committee for Citizens with Disabilities

Thursday, December 12, 2024 at 9:00 AM Hedgehog Room - Council Chambers

Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 828 9027 3414 
Passcode: 236310 
• +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

Find your local number:


  • Call to Order
  • Roll Call
  • Approval of Minutes
  • Agenda Items:
    1. La Cosse Municipal Transit (MTU) updates and MTU accessibility Q&A (Adam Lorentz, Director of Transit)
    2. Current disability-related communication needs
    3. Updates from committee members
    4. Future agenda items
  • Adjournment

Notice is further given that members of other governmental bodies may be present at the above scheduled meeting to gather information about a subject over which they have decision-making responsibility.


Requests from persons with a disability who need assistance to participate in this meeting should call the City Clerk's office at (608) 789-7510 or send an email to, with as much advance notice as possible.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

December updates

Congratulations to Alysa, Sue, Liz, Toni, and Lillian for winning Week Without Driving prizes. Lillian won the grand prize - a semester pass! America Walks hosted its WWD wrap up call on Wednesday. This event has really grown in just a few short years. This year, almost 3,500 individuals and organizations across the country signed up as participants. There are already plans for next year's WWD, September 29 through October 5. LATA will start planning in early 2025. If you have ideas or are interested in helping with this event that highlights the importance of prioritizing non-car options for every day transportation, please contact us at or 608-315-2693. Again, thanks to all those who participated in the La Crosse area whether you officially signed up or not!

The MTU Board will meet on Tuesday, December 10 at 4 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. See the agenda here:|&Search= To attend via Zoom: Meeting ID: 814 2412 8085 Passcode: 147918

LATA Leaders will meet on Zoom for one hour at 5:30 on Wednesday, December 11. We will talk about Feb. 4 Transit Equity Day programming, how to engage candidates for mayor and city council about transit, Ride with a Guide, accessibility, and plans for the new year. Please email or call us for access information if you would like to participate or if you have suggestions.

At the November meeting of Citizens with Disabilities, snow shoveling was discussed, including who is responsible for what. In La Crosse, the Park Department clears roads and sidewalks in city parks, the city plows city streets, and MTU is responsible for clearing bus stops and shelters, even if they get plowed back in by the city. As this Streetsblog article notes, “More Cities are Taking Responsibility for Clearing Sidewalks of Snow.” In La Crosse, where up to 40% of adults are non-drivers, shoveling off responsibility for sidewalks and bus stops to other entities may not be a fair use of public resources.

The MTU's new AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) app will not be available at the beginning of January as hoped. They are working to get it online as quickly as possible. The new system will have more features and options, combining bus location with fare purchases, and trip planning.

The La Crosse Area Planning Committee is still accepting public input about its Metropolitan Transportation Plan update. Find the link to the survey and more information at

Governor Evers' Budget Listening Tour was in La Crosse on Wednesday and they will host an online session on Monday, December 16 at 4 p.m. Transit advocates are encouraged to attend and speak up for 

Register here: and if you can't attend, you may submit written comments and budget suggestions at the governor's comment page here:


Amtrak's Borealis (second daily train from St. Paul to Chicago) continues to outperform expectations with more than 21,000 riders reported in October. Amtrak is having a “share fare” holiday sale for groups, from 15 to 60 percent off.

Alas, Transportation for America will not host its Transportation Camp in 2025 due to scheduling, logistics, and costs. 

If you want to get involved in sharing ideas with others, pushing for better transit, and envisioning a transit-friendly future, please join La Crosse Area Transit Advocates! In addition, the Wisconsin Sierra Club has a statewide transportation access and equity team. And the Wisconsin Association of Rail Passengers works on improving and expanding rail access in our state and regions. There may be more options to engage, education, and advocate coming in 2025. Stay tuned!

Please share this information with others. And Take the Bus!

Some food for thought:

Thursday, November 14, 2024


KARE TV in the Twin Cities did a really nice six-minute story on the Borealis recently. As noted in the video, ridership is higher than expected and they are looking for ways to add capacity.

There was also a Borealis report at the October 26 WisARP Fall meeting where the presenter was asked about the possibility of adding BIKE capacity. He said that because a freight car would cost $100,000 to $200,000 per year that was unlikely. This seems like a real waste and we hope folks will continue to advocate for bikes in the Borealis. Anyone who has traveled abroad knows it doesn't take a whole freight car to accommodate bicycles!

In the meantime, LATA may work on hosting a Borealis ride in 2025.

Monday, November 11, 2024

November updates

Thanks to everyone who participated in Week Without Driving. We had great media coverage and super programs. Visit the event page for more details. Thank you all co-sponsors! Bingo winners will be receiving their prizes in the next week or two!

There is no LATA Leaders meeting in November. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 11 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. We will discuss February 4 Transit Equity Day, the Ride with a Guide program, and programming for 2025. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please email for the Zoom link.

There may be a meeting of the MTU ADA advisory committee on Nov. 12 at 5:30 p.m. but don't have details yet. If you would be interested in attending (online) please contact

 On Wednesday, Nov. 13 from 4 to 6 p.m. the La Crosse Area Planning Committee (LAPC) will host an open house in room 1107 of the County Administration Building, 7th and State to learn about the process of updating the long-range metropolitan transportation plan. If you can't attend in person, you can provide feedback online. Learn more at

The LAPC Committee on Transit and Active Transportation will meet on Nov. 14 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Find the agenda and how to attend at

On November 26 at 10 a.m., Gil Penalosa 880 Cities webinar will host Dr. Wes Marshall, Professor of Civil Engineering at UC-Denver and author of Killed by a Traffic Engineer. While it's not specifically about transit, the book looks at our whole unsafe, inequitable transportation system, and how to undo the damage that's been done. Learn more and register here:

Do you have ideas for events or programs LATA could host in 2025? Please email or join our monthly LATA Leaders meeting if yes. We will certainly look forward to Transit Equity Day, possibly a public transit survey of or program with city council candidates, more SMRT rides, and, we hope, a more visible Ride with a Guide program.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Amtrak sale

For a Limited Time: Book a Roomette, Bring a Companion for Free

Looking to upgrade your travel experience? Now through October 31, book an elevated, First Class experience in a Roomette and bring a friend along on the journey for free.

For those seeking extra space, privacy and comfort, Roomettes feature two comfortable seats that transform into upper and lower beds by night and include a big picture window, newly upgraded bedding, pillows, towels, and linens. A dedicated First Class attendant provides turndown service, assists with meals, and helps with luggage. All customers in private rooms receive complimentary lounge access at major stations, priority boarding, and complimentary meals onboard.

This flash sale is available for travel aboard several world-famous routes including: Northbound Auto Train, California Zephyr, Cardinal, City of New Orleans, Coast Starlight, Crescent, Empire Builder, Floridian, Lake Shore Limited, Silver Meteor, Silver Star, Southwest Chief, Sunset Limited and Texas Eagle.

Book by October 31, 2024 for travel November 1, 2024 - January 31, 2025. Enter code C104 on the Amtrak app. 

More details here:

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Bus 2 VOTE!

If you would like to bus to vote this year but aren't sure how to ride, please contact LATA ( or 608-315-2693) and we will send a Ride Guide to help you learn how to schedule a ride, read the maps, use the apps, and ride the bus.

In person absentee (AIP) voting begins on Tuesday, October 22. Any eligible voter may vote during hours and at locations designated by city clerks. And, what better way to get there than by bike or bus!

Here is the chart of voting times and places for City of La Crosse. If you live in a different municipality, check this La Crosse County page or contact your municipal clerk. When you vote AIP, anyone from any district may vote at the designated sites.

Your AIP ballot will be stored by your clerk, along with other absentee ballots returned in person or by mail, to be counted on election day. So, technically, this is not early voting because no votes are counted until November 5. Get more information about registering, what kind of ID to bring when you vote in person, how to request an absentee ballot, and more at

More and more voters are choosing to vote absentee in person before election day. If you work, AIP voting lets you schedule a time that works better for your schedule. You don't have to worry about not having time to get to the polls or a last minute work emergency. Some AIP voters like to go when weather is good in case weather is bad on election day. Some people get together with a group of friends for brunch and voting. Those who volunteer at the polls or in local Get Out the Vote efforts take care of their voting early so they can devote full time and attention to ensuring as many as possible vote.

Again, please contact LATA if you would like to take the bus to vote any time between October 22 and November 5.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Coulee Region Liz Fryseth!

Super activist  and LATA leader Liz Fryseth is featured in Coulee Region Women this month! Check out the article at their site!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

More updates

Thanks to all who participated in some way in the Week Without Driving as co-sponsors or participants. Remember to turn in your WWD bingo card by October 13 to a bus driver, at the transit center, or at the city park & rec window. If anyone would like to help plan Transit Equity Days events this winter (around February 4) or next year's WWD OR if you have feedback, ideas, or suggestions, please contact us.
Review your WWD experience or share your ideas and complaints at

LATA Leaders will meet via Zoom on Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30 p.m. Please contact us for access information. We will NOT meet in November but will meet on Wednesday, December 11 at 5:30 p.m. to plan Transit Equity Days.

And, please support this important event organized by Liz Fryseth, White Cane Safety Day, on October 15 at 8:30 a.m. at the LA Crosse City Hall Council Chambers:

White Cane Safety day was introduced by congress on October 6th 1964 designated into law on October 15th. Blindness and severe visual impairment affect approximately 109,000 Wisconsin residents and the majority of these people use travel aids. These travel aids include a white cane or service animal to get around public streets, sidewalks, and places of public accommodation. These travel aids are universally recognized as symbols representing vision loss. 

Wisconsin’s White Cane Law requires that motorists come to a full stop before approaching closer then 10 feet to a pedestrian who is using a white cane or service animal.

Greater awareness of the White Cane Law leads to safer, more attentive driving in general. Enhancing the safety of all pedestrians, including children, elders, and people with disabilities.


Join and support our local B/VI (Blind and Visually Impaired) community and elevate the importance of White Cane Safety Day as well as pedestrian safety year-round.

Event Details
October 15th at 8:30 a.m. at the  La Crosse City Hall Council Chambers.
Proclamation read promptly at 8:30 am by Mayor Mitch Reynolds

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October updates

Take a few minutes to complete the La Crosse Area Planning Committee Transportation SurveyTake the Survey here: To learn more, visit the APC Website or reach out to Erin Duffer at 608-785-5597 or

LATA leaders will meet on Wednesday, October 9 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. online. We are hoping Leo Strand, the city's new sustainability coordinator, will hop on for a few minutes. His job is to help the city actualize its climate action plan action steps, many related to transit. If you would like to join in, please contact us for the link to join.

Also on Oct. 9, from 5 to 6 pm, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin is hosting a FREE webinar with Daniel Herriges of the Parking Reform Network. Daniel is a guest speaker for the Kenosha Transportation Academy, and they are opening this session up to the public. Register here for the Zoom call.

We are seeking RIDE GUIDES, volunteers who can help new MTU riders learn how to use the schedule and ride the bus. We'll provide simple training. If you are interested, please sign up here:

Week Without Driving. Sign up for the WWD Challenge! Even if you know you will need to drive during the week, the purpose of the exercise is to spend that time being mindful of our transportation practices and considering how non-drivers deal with similar situations. If you participate and share your WWD experience, you will be entered in a prize drawing the national organizers.

Please visit the local event page to get more information about what's happening in La Crosse, download a WWD Bingo card to print (you can also get them at the Transit Center, the Libraries, and the UWL Student Union desk), and find more information about this event.

Free fares on MTU all week. On Tuesday, October 1 only, free fares on the SMRT buses if you have a WWD Bingo Card! And one hour free during WWD on a Drift Cycle with the special code: wwddrift.

  • Monday, Sept. 30 – noon press event at city hall (please come if you can!) and at 6:30 p.m., an online book chat with bicycling and disability rights advocate, Anna Zivarts, author of “When Driving is Not an Option” and two local advocates. Register at the library's website: or call 608-789-7122.

  • Tuesday, Oct. 1 – 10 to 2, tabling at UWL clock tower and 3 p.m. campus area walk audit

  • Wednesday, Oct. 2 – SMRT trip to Prairie du Chien (sign up at and two evening bike rides – Hear Here starts at Pearl Street Brewery at 5 p.m. and Drift Cycles ride starting at 6 p.m. at The Nature Place

  • Friday, Oct. 4 – Informal Transit Talk, from 4:30 to 6 p.m., with LATA at the Cameron Park Farmers Market

  • Saturday, Oct. 5 – Transit to Trails event from 9:30 (new time) to 11:40 a.m. with Coulee Region Sierra Club (register at and, at 12:30 p.m., Teaching Safe Bicycling clinic hosted by Wisconsin Bike Fed at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center (free)

Wisconsin Association of Rail Passengers (WisARP) will hold its fall meeting in La Crosse on Saturday, October 26. LAPC's Erin Duffer is one of the featured speakers! You may attend in person or online. There will be more information about the Borealis and about other rail connections being planned in our state and region. Learn more at

While the Minnesota DOT survey about regional rail is closed, you are still able to submit comments with a letter or email to MnDOT ( Read more about it at

Early (absentee in person) voting for the November 5 election begins in La Crosse on October 22. Find out when and where you can vote in the city at and check your registration and other voting details at Check out this discussion about Project 2025 and public transit with Beth Osborne of Transportation for America.