Friday, February 2, 2018

Second try

Last year we hoped to get a LA Crosse Area Transit Advocates group started under the state Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance. Unfortunately, we are all too busy! and it was hard to find a meeting time.

Here we are one year later and this year we will get going because transit needs our support and advocacy!

Our first meeting will be on February 12 at 5:30 p.m. in the Trustees Room of the La Crosse Public Library.  We'll briefly discuss goals for the year,  talk about future meetings,  and see some inspiring slides of public transportation in the UK and Netherlands.

If you can't make the meeting, there will be others.  If you are interested in joining,  please let me know and we'll email you with a schedule once set.

In the meantime,  consider attending the WTRA annual meeting on Monday,  April 30 at the Madison Public Library. Public transportation in La Crosse will be on the agenda with guest speaker,  Jackie Eastwood,  La Crosse County Transportation Planner. Here's the flyer. 

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