Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Take action for safe active transportation!

There are a some transit-related programs coming up in addition to LATA's March 18 talk with State Senator Brad Pfaff. The nice thing about moving life online is that it's much easier to attend something held far away, connecting with other transit advocates and getting some great ideas.

But first, is there a local bus stop that is really driving you nuts because it's hard to get to, in a dangerous location, or not safe? If yes, consider nominating it for Streetsblog's SORRIEST BUS STOP award. Nominations are open through Monday, March 15. Get more details and find out how to enter here:

Transportation for America is promoting a series of advocacy actions to promote better, safer transportation options. This week, they're asking advocates to Support the Safe Streets Act. Good public transportation relies on safe pedestrian infrastructure. "The number of people struck and killed bgy drivers while walking increased by 47 percent over the last decade, as our partners at Smart Growth America found in the latest edition of Dangerous by Design. We are in the midst of an astonishing safety crisis as the United States has become--over decades of broken policy--an incredibly deadly place to walk. ... A handful of leaders in the U.S. House and Senate have introduced a bill that would finally require states and metro areas to design and build safer streets for everyone. The Complete Streets Act of 2021 is desperately needed." Tell your Senators and Representative to co-sponsor the Compete Streets Act. is hosting a webinar on Storytelling for Active Transportation Advocates on March 17 at 1 p.m. our time.
"How can we reach more people and convince them of the benefits of inclusive and accessible walkable communities?  We have incredible data on how they improve health, the climate, the economy, and our quality of life – but data alone often doesn’t carry the day."  Register at this link:

Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance will hold its annual meeting online this year on Saturday, April 17 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The topic will be Wisconsin Public Transportation - Rural and Urban. Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes will give the opening remarks and there will be a panel discussion by Senator Brad Pfaff and Representative Sylvia Ortiz-Velez of Milwaukee. There will be time for questions and answers. Registration is free (link not yet available) and the meeting is open to all. Co-sponsors include The Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, and the Sierra Club of Wisconsin (more are expected).

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