Monday, February 5, 2018

New resource for transit advocates

from T4A (Transportation for America)

Fight for your ride! 

New guide for transit advocates available today

Transportation for America's new guidebook, Fight For Your Ride: An advocate’s guide for improving & expanding transit, offers local advocates and transit champions practical advice for making real improvements to public transit. Drawing examples from successful campaigns and reform efforts in small, medium, and large cities across the country, the guide illuminates effective ways to speed up transit, expand its reach, and improve service for riders. It offers tactical lessons on building a coalition, developing an effective message, and organizing a campaign for better transit in your community.

Join us this Thursday for the launch

Hear two stories directly from local advocates 

Register now and join us at 2 p.m. EST this Thursday for the guide's launch webinar. Karen Rindge, Executive Director of WakeUP Wake County, will share the story of how a broad coalition led a campaign to pass long-awaited new funding to expand transit in Wake County, NC, part of the Raleigh-Durham metro area. And we'll hear from Houston METRO board member Christof Spieler, who led the effort to reimagine and redraw Houston's bus network to provide faster, more convenient bus service to more riders. In addition, we will walk through the new guidebook and show how you can use the guide’s case studies to shape your own successful campaigns.

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