Thursday, April 19, 2018

Upcoming Meetings

On Monday, April 30, the Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance will hold its annual meeting in Madison. Here is a great opportunity to meet and connect with transit riders from around the state, share ideas, learn how we can improve our advocacy, etc. Our own La Crosse Area Planning Commission Transportation Planner, Jacket Eastwood, will be thevfeatured speaker! Find more details and RSVP link on the flyer.

And on Thursday, May 17, the La Crosse Transit Riders Alliance will meet at 6 p.m. in the Southside Neighborhood Center. We`ll introduce our new group, rank goals and projects for the year, and hear from a transportation professional in our community. Flyers will be available soon (check back April 21 for a dowloadable file). Please spread the word! A strong transit advocacy group can makevavdifference!

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