Friday, June 12, 2020

CMRT - Online learning and discussion

The Coalition for More Responsible Transportation is a Wisconsin group made up of many Wisconsin transit, bike/ped, disability rights, and environment groups and individuals. LATA is a member of the Wisconsin Transit Riders Alliance which is a member of CMRT

CMRT is hosting a aeries of webinars this summer around transportation issues. Check out the schedule and plan to attend. And consider joining La Crosse Area Transit Advocate to support a bigger statewide voice.

How Wisconsin Communities are Meeting the "Last Mile Challenge"
Thursday, June 18 at 6:30 PM
Join us as we explore how transit systems in several Wisconsin communities are addressing the "Last Mile Challenge," or the challenge of completing the last segment of a transit trip in order to reach one's final destination. Speakers include transportation expert/former Madison alder and planner Robbie Webber, La Crosse transit advocate Cathy Van Maren, Fox Cities transit advocate Connie Kanitz, and Chippewa Valley Transit Alliance leaders Mark Quam and Phil Swanhorst (who also took the lead in organizing this webinar -- thank you Mark and Phil!). Advance registration required here.

Transportation and Racial Justice
Thursday, July 9 at 6:30 PM
This webinar will focus on the intersection of transportation and racial (in)justice in Wisconsin. We will have more information on speakers and the topics they'll cover soon. Meanwhile, you're welcome to register here

Please note: If you're unable to use the Google Forms linked above to register or would prefer to call in your RSVP, please contact the Wisconsin Council of the Blind and Visually Impaired at (608) 255-1166 from 8 AM to 3 PM on weekdays and we will register you for either webinar by phone.

Finally, if you weren't able to attend our first two webinars, you can view the recordings at the links below:

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