Thursday, April 20, 2023

Intermodal connections or not?

A friend who is trying to green his travel reported that he'd tried to take the bus to the airport--the #7 is supposed to offer a demand-response airport stop if you tell the driver as soon as you board the bus or call no more than 15 minutes before the scheduled pickup time and be waiting for the bus (the bus will not wait for you). This, in itself, is kind of confusing (what if you call 20 minutes ahead of time?), but, as my friend experienced, even if you follow the rules, you may be out of luck.

Even though he requested a stop at the airport when he boarded the bus, he had to get off at the industrial park and walk to the airport! And, coming back, even though he called the office to request an airport pick up and was told the bus would stop there, it didn't.

Connecting to the airport and the Amtrak are incredibly important. As we pointed out to Jonathon Stalls when he visited for the Pedestrian Dignity event on Tuesday morning, if you want to take the bus from the train station, you have to either walk several blocks to pick up the #5 or walk across the rocks and tracks and through a yard and back alleyway to catch the #6.

As we anticipate the start of the TCMC second daily bidirectional Amtrak, having a solid bus connection is key. 

Have you experienced similar issues? I have done the Amtrak scramble, which is kind of a pain if you have luggage or the weather is bad! Have you tried connecting at the airport or the Amtrak station? Tell us your story!

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